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Carlos Murillo wins the 2022 Lewis Isaacs Award

27 September 2022

We are so very pleased to announce that Carlos Murillo, from our Mexican firm DíazIgareda, has been selected as the 2022 Lewis Isaacs Award Winner for the work that he has done for Phillips Lytle.

Next are the words of David J. McNamara from Phillips Lytle:

Carlos, my friend, we are very pleased that your exemplary client service to our mutual clients put us in a position to make this nomination and thrilled that you were selected to receive this well-deserved recognition.  Your nomination as submitted to the Executive Committee reads as follows:  

Phillips Lytle has referred a number of matters to Carlos and his firm over the last 8 years or so. Carlos has always been especially responsive, and quickly understands the goals and needs of the client. Most recently, Carlos assisted a US manufacturer client of ours in establishing a “shelter arrangement” in Mexico, which involved the client entering into a contract with a third party to establish and operate a manufacturing facility in Mexico. Carlos initially provided general guidance and strategic advice to the client about “shelter arrangements.” 

Once the client chose a proposed shelter partner, Carlos assisted with contract review and negotiation, and coordinated among various subject matter experts within his firm on due diligence. Carlos came up with a number of practical solutions to issues raised during the negotiations, and he kept counsel for the counterparty on task in a collaborative and productive manner. Once the contract was fully negotiated, Carlos created for the client a user-friendly summary of the client’s obligations under the contract for the client’s future reference and use. Most importantly, the client on multiple occasions expressed their appreciation for Carlos’s diligence in keeping the matter on track and providing (when needed) gentle reminders to the counterparty’s counsel of open items that remained unresolved during the negotiations. 

Carlos has been a consistent pleasure to work with and, without exception, has earned the praise of our mutual clients.  As an example, the following is unsolicited feedback from the CFO of our New York based manufacturing client Thruway Fasteners, Inc. regarding his experience in working with Carlos on Mexican legal matters:   

“Working with Carlos and his firm was a very seamless process as we set up our business in Mexico and navigated the various laws and protocols there. Carlos is a great communicator and became one of our trusted advisors who we could count on for legal advice as well as how to best utilize other business relationships in Mexico.”

In sum, Carlos lives LEI’s standards and goals of seamless client service and value at the highest level.  His commitment to LEI’s ideals, as established by Lewis, is deserving of recognition through the prestigious Lewis Isaacs Award.  

Congratulations Carlos!

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