Trusted legal advisors worldwide
18 May 2015
Hewitsons LLP (England), the founder firm of LawExchange International, hosted this year’s Spring Conference, at the Grange St Paul’s Hotel, on the weekend of 23-25 April.More than 90 delegates and companions attended – a record for LEI.Offers of membership were made to five Observer firms; from the Irish Republic (Dublin); the UAE (Dubai); the Czech Republic (Prague); Poland (Warsaw and Poznan); and Israel (Herzlia Pituach).A major theme of the Conference was Quality Assurance. Papers on this were given by Fred Tannenbaum (a Senior Partner with Gould & Ratner, Chicago) and by Clare Colacicchi (Senior Partner elect with Hewitsons LLP).The Conference closed with a Gala Evening held at the British Library at which delegates and special guests were given exclusive access to the magnificent exhibition marking the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta, followed by a reception and dinner.Delegates staying over on Sunday, 26 April were able to cheer on Federico Galgano and two colleagues from Studio Legale Galgano (Bologna), who took part in the London Marathon.Colin Jones, Managing Partner of Hewitsons LLP, said “We were delighted to welcome a record number of law firms and delegates to London for our LEI Conference. It was an excellent opportunity for our global network of firms to come together and share ideas, and knowledge, from differing countries. I look forward to continuing to support the further expansion of this network in my role as Managing Partner.”From collaborating on client matters globally to working together locally, LawExchange International members work together in many ways. Click here to see more.