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Nominations for The Lewis Isaacs Award 2021

1 February 2021

Twenty-six years ago, the practice of law was not as international as it is today. Outside a few large law firms with multinational clients, the ambition of most lawyers was to provide a good service to clients in their domestic market. It took a man of vision to grasp the importance of the trend towards globalisation would have to good lawyers in mid-sized firms and their ambitious clients.

Lewis Isaacs had that vision but, unlike most, found time in his busy schedule as a commercial lawyer to deliver upon a good idea notwithstanding the constant and competing demands of his clients. In 1994, with the help and support of his partners in Hewitsons, he set up LawExchange International and, from its beginnings in England and mainland Europe, it now has 36 member firms across the world. 

Lewis has said from the beginning that LawExchange International members must be willing to treat a client referred to them by another member firm with the same commitment to quality of advice and service as they would show to their own clients. This simple rule is reinforced by the close personal relationships that LawExchange International encourages within its membership through its processes, conferences and meetings. Throughout the entire period of LawExchange International’s history, this approach has been personified by the example set by Lewis Isaacs, his actions and his leadership. It is fitting therefore that his name be used for an Award that is intended to honour those who best represent LawExchange International’s values and ambitions. 

Although Lewis Isaacs will never be forgotten by his friends at LawExchange International, he leaves the organisation he conceived and inspired in excellent shape, and with this, the Lewis Isaacs Award, LawExchange International has a token to remind and reward members of the future who share his vision.

The organisation has made six award criteria which have been communicated internally to the member firms. 

The next nominations for the Award 2021 have been received:

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